08 Jul Are We Ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
Industrial revolutions are always kind of scary, at least for those who have to make a living. The idea that some crazy new technology can do your job, and maybe do it better..well who can blame the Luddites of the 19th century who took hammers to the new-fangled machinery that was rolling out in British factories? Their livelihood was at stake, or so they thought. And yes, British industrial workers and just about everyone else ended up with a higher standard of living thanks to that particular industrial revolution.
So now we are on industrial revolution number four, and some are saying that this time will be different, that this time human beings really are going to lose as technology takes up to places the Luddites could never have dreamed about. Is that true, and if it is what should we do about it? Read more here in my Globe and Mail column.
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